Ceramic Series on Motherhood

I find immense inspiration in the joys and complexities of motherhood and the transformative journey of the first year and a half of my child's life. This period has evoked a wide range of emotions, experiences, and challenges that have deeply influenced my artistic expression. As my child progresses through toddlerhood and approaches childhood and adolescence, I recognize that motherhood will undoubtedly undergo shifts and changes.

"Nurturing the Night," takes the form of a high-relief wall hanging. Within this composition, I explore the nocturnal realm of motherhood, depicting the sacred connection between a mother and her child during the intimate act of breastfeeding. Bathed in the moon's ethereal glow, a symbol of feminine power, this tender moment between mother and child is portrayed with starry details and textures that evoke a dreamlike and romantic atmosphere, reminiscent of the continuous dream-like state I experienced.

This was my first time creating a high and low relief sculpture with ceramics. Since my background is in two-dimensional methods, with watercolor and collage as my preferred media, I really enjoyed this challenge! Creating the background felt like a collage in a sense, cutting and "pasting" slabs of clay together, adding texture with thick slip and stamps. For the small stars, I created a stamp from my son’s favorite pastina stars. Sculpting the high relief mother and son was out of my comfort zone, but I powered through and I am quite pleased with the results. To get the dimensions correct, I used the water-soluble marker transfer method onto a slab of clay. I used that shape to add features and carve away cavities creating under arms, etc.

Updates and bits and pieces of studio joy!

Life updates! I am now a first-time mom, teaching full-time, and completing a graduate program in art education! My child is now a toddler, and I am soaking up each precious moment with him. Now that he is a little older, he’s shown an interest in drawing and experimenting with mark-making with markers and crayons. As for my own art making, outside of the classroom and during my studies for my degree, I've been able to steal precious moments to make art just for myself (usually during nap time).
An art supply I ordered to experiment with in the sketchbook I’m keeping with my son are these multi colored pencils. I’ve been using them for preliminary drawings and cleaning up the lines and values with china markers:

Lately, my son has been enjoying the process of tracing our hands with pencils and crayons. We used multi-colored pencils to trace our hands, and I’ve enjoyed how therapeutic these pencils have been to color in our traced hands.

I created this portrait of Data, one of my favorite characters from Star Trek, during my son’s naptime. I was in the mood to work on a quick painting in large format, experimenting with sumi ink, gouache, and water soluble crayons:

The process of a ceramic series I am working on that speaks to my experiences in early motherhood:

Mamou Logo Design

I am proud to share my logo for Mamou, the distinguished French brasserie in the heart of New Orleans! With inspiration drawn from French Art Nouveau, this logo is an ode the restaurant's romantic and sophisticated ambiance. Since Mamou's grand opening in November 2022, the restaurant has been recognized as one of the top 25 best new restaurants in the country by Bon Appétit Magazine and securing a spot among the top 50 best restaurants according to The New York Times. The whimsical and dreamlike letterforms of the logo mirror the interior of Mamou, adorned with surreal hanging florals and plush velvet banquettes. Special thanks and many congratulations to Executive Chef Tom Branighan and Sommelier Molly Wismeier!

My husband and I made a special appearance in October 2023’s issue of Bon Appetit Magazine with Chef Tom Branighan!

Kacey Musgraves

I’ve been wanting to get back into playing with digital collage and was inspired by this line from Kacey Musgraves’s song “Mother”. My tablet broke when I was finishing this portrait (!!!) so I ended up improvising using my mouse and that preset Photoshop “butterfly brush” to click the masked out butterfly shapes in Kacey’s hair! I ended up really liking the results.

(click to see the whole illustration, I went with a really long format!)

Livie & Luca SS2019 Catalog

So excited to share these fun illustrations and designs I made for Livie & Luca’s Spring/Summer 2019 shoe catalog! Special thanks to AD Erin Crow for such a fun job.

I’ve always wanted to work on a project with drawing and hand lettering over professional photographs. There were so many fun possibilities I was able to collaborate on and sketch out for the L&L design team! I am super happy with the end result and hope to work on more projects like this in the future.

Here are some cheery boarder + repeat pattern images I made with the three main themes for the SS2019 Catalog:

I also wanted to share a bit of the sketch process for this job, I had about 20-30 different photographs I was able to play around with!

Japan Travel Sketchbook

J 🌸 A 🌸 P 🌸 A 🌸 N ~~~~ you've stolen my heart!!!  We had the privilege to visit the beautiful country of Japan last March - April visiting friends and attending a wedding for a high school friend of ours.   This is my first time keeping a travel sketchbook! Japan was so inspiring and exciting I had no problem completing an entire sketchbook during the trip.  On a personal note, I've been in a creative slump.. so completing this (and sharing it online) was a big victory for me :)

So thankful I got to travel with the love of my life, my EB, my cafe jr, Stephen 💕🌸💕

So thankful I got to travel with the love of my life, my EB, my cafe jr, Stephen 💕🌸💕

I have to give a shout out to my wonderful and supportive husband who was the best travel partner who and let me stop and draw from life (which usually takes me a while, I’m slow).  My fellow artists will understand how hard it is to get back in the swing of drawing, especially from life and in front of others.

Drawing Japanese kanji, katakana, and hirigana

Drawing Japanese kanji, katakana, and hirigana


Our trip toured a few areas in the main island of Honshu.  We spent the first part of our trip in Tokyo; visiting Shinjuku, Mitaka, Shibuya, Kitazawa, Ikebukuro, and Kawasaki.  We were lucky enough to get Ghibli Museum Tickets (!!!) definitely worth the hype and stress over getting tickets.   Visiting the Shinjuku National Gardens during peak Sakura was one of my favorite moments of the whole trip.  I'll be dreaming of pink petal flurries until I return again  🌸

Spending my birthday in Tokyo 🌼💕

Spending my birthday in Tokyo 🌼💕


Stephen and I spent a few days in Kyoto.  Everything was in full bloom for spring, the Japanese potted plant game in Kyoto was making me swoon at every corner!  Kyoto was a nice change of pace after the monstrosity that is Tokyo.

2 heads in kiyomizu-dera

2 heads in kiyomizu-dera


Kanazawa and Takaoka: We met up with friends for the wedding weekend. Being in small Japanese towns for this wedding was a delight and definitely a highlight of our trip. My friend Ahlana and I dressed in kimono for the wedding and we ran into sweet old ladies celebrating Buddha’s birthday!  I wish we could have spent more time in Takaoka!

Exploring Taito City & the end of our trip:

Japan, I miss you so much already. I’ll be back real soon 🌸


Dallas Child: Have Faith

A quick illo I did for the December issue of DallsChild.  With the project's scheduling, I had to create this piece about faith and spirituality during the election night... which is pretty crazy to think about now...

I wanted to center my image around spirituality/religious rituals that take place in the winter months.  So, a family of 4 sitting together around a lit candle...maybe in prayer or a quiet moment of meditation.  While the children are too young to really know what is going on, they take delight in their parents' rituals and enjoy being together around this candle.  


I liked that I was able to relate to this article and my past (positive) experiences with religion in my family.

NOCAZ 2016!

In years past I would always somehow miss the deadline to register for NOCAZ, but not this year!!! Here is a quick lil' summary of my first time tabling and selling my work at NOCAZ!

This was actually my first time tabling ANYWHERE, but sitting next to my BFF Vickie V. made it less scary and more fun. <3

Here are some things I made just for this year's NOCAZ:

Can't wait for NOCAZ '17 !

Haunted Supply Co. + Dark and Stormy Night!

WOW!  There's so much I can say about this massive project and Big Class!!
I had the privilege to be on the Big Class design team to create products for the Haunting Supply Co. pop up shop! 


We designed postcards, candles, goggles, masks, t-shirts, bookmarks, glow-in-the-dark stickers, and other spooky haunting goods to sell at our 2nd Annual Dark and Stormy Night fundraiser!

Expect to see more of these items in the brick-and-mortar Haunting Supply store!  Learn more about the project and Big Class by visiting bigclass.org

Art Club at Non-Society Hands!

Rebecca had the genius idea of making a new sticker for every meeting!

Rebecca had the genius idea of making a new sticker for every meeting!

Super excited to announce that I'm hosting monthly Art Club meetings at Non-Society Hands!  We had our first "meeting" last Thursday and it was a huge success!  I'm really excited to make art with new people in our community.  We plan on using different mediums and themes every month; September was all about Sumi ink!  I brainstormed monthly meeting with shop owners Rebecca and Tammy and we have amazing things planned for future Art Club meetings!  I can't wait for October!  Be sure to follow our Instagram accounts for updates on meeting days and times: Floating Heads and Non-Society Hands

Our Wedding Invitations

Image for our "Save the Dates".

Image for our "Save the Dates".

Wedding planning was such a crazy experience for me and Stephen.  Even though we were excited, we often felt completely overwhelmed with planning and budgeting.  We both knew our wedding would be DIY with lots of personal touches, that meant I would handle all the invitations!  Thankfully, illustrating and designing the invitations for our wedding was the easiest part of the whole process!  Unlike other decisions I knew exactly what I wanted the invitations to look like and I felt that I captured our venues and personalities to a T.   I am very proud with how they came out!

I drew inspiration for my Save the Dates and Invitation Suite from my wedding dress and Clouet Gardens (the community garden we chose for our venue!)  I also included our dog, Poppy, on the Save the Dates... she couldn't attend the wedding so we had to think of a special way to include her. (All photos in inspiration slideshow are by Love is Rad Co.)

Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Process shots of the invitation suite. &nbsp;All hand lettered and drawn!

Process shots of the invitation suite.  All hand lettered and drawn!

More lettering I did for our wedding:

Signature drink, the "Poppy T." Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Signature drink, the "Poppy T." Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Custom Snapchat Geofilter!&nbsp;Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Custom Snapchat Geofilter! Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Photo by Love is Rad Co.

Since this is a wedding post, I have to give a big shout out to all the vendors we hired...they were so great to work with!!! 
Venue:  Clouet Gardens and Tigermen Den
Photos: Love is Rad Co.
Flowers: Pistil and Stamen
Food: Clesi's

Custom Snapchat Filters!

This year I've been able to play around and make a few custom Snapchat geofilters!  The first was a commission from St. Roch Market here in New Orleans, and then I decided to make one for my wedding!

Immediately after I was commissioned to do a private birthday and I made a filter for my best friend's bachelorette party!  AND NOW I CAN'T STOP!

I decided to open geofilter commissions on my Etsy!  If you're interested in a custom, illustrated geofilter for you event check out my Etsy listing or shoot me an email - julia@floating-heads.net

Photo by Love is Rad co.

Photo by Love is Rad co.

Filter for ICON9: The Illustration Conference!

Filter for ICON9: The Illustration Conference!

You're Invited to Magic School!

"Magic School" By Dismas Simmons

Dismas wrote about the day he was invited to the Lage Witch School to study magic!  He was taught by Professor Nicki Minaj and studied the art of spell casting and potion making.   One night, while doing his homework, Dismas accidentally shook his want a little too hard and created a tornado! 

"The Birdface School" By Dejah Grimes

I had the privilege of working with Dejah in person!  When we read through her story she really wanted her illustration to focus on the climax: when Dejah turns herself into a dragon, throws the goblins in a bag, and tosses them into the sea!

Here's the finished book!  I'm so proud of everyone's finished stories and all the illustrations.
Find out more about Big Class here !